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2015 Private LOCKSS Networks Community Meeting

Simon Fraser University

Event Details:

Thursday, October 22, 2015 - Friday, October 23, 2015


Simon Fraser University Vancouver and Burnaby Campuses


Registration is free, and open to all PLNs. As in previous years, we need to limit the number of people from each PLN to 2. If you haven’t already, please let Bronwen or Mark know if you would like to attend so we can budget for catering appropriately.

This year's meeting is immediately before the DLF Forum. Double up on these two events and save airfare!


Thursday, October 22 (SFU Harbour Centre room 1510, downtown Vancouver)

9a - noon: General meeting

  • 9 - 9:15a: Coffee
  • 9:15 - 9:30a: Welcome
  • 9:30 - 10:15a: Update from LOCKSS
  • 10:15 - 10:30a: Break
  • 10:30a - noon: Roundtable updates from the PLNs

noon - 1p: Lunch (provided)

1 - 4:30p: General meeting

  • 1 - 2:30p: PLN sustainability case studies
  • 2:30 - 2:45p: Break
  • 2:45 - 3:30p: Presentations
  • 3:30 - 4:30p: Facilitated discussion

7p: Dinner at the Rogue (provided)

Friday, October 23 (WAC Bennett Library, SFU Burnaby Campus)

9:30a - noon: Unconference sessions

noon - 1p: Lunch on campus (on your own/small groups)

1 - 4:30p: Unconference sessions

Unconference sessions

So far we have these:


We have secured a block of 20 rooms at the Pinnacle Hotel Vancouver, at the DLF conference rate. This map shows the location of the Pinnacle in relation to Harbour Centre (about a 10 minute walk). Use this link to book a room at the Pinnacle.

If you prefer accommodations closer to the meeting venue, the Delta Vancouver Suites are directly across the street.


We’ll provide bus tickets and instructions to get to and from SFU Burnaby.

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