TRAC Re-Certification of the CLOCKSS Archive

We are pleased to amplify the CLOCKSS Archive's recent announcement of their successfully-completed re-certification under the Trusted Repositories Audit and Certification (TRAC) criteria (PDF), conducted by the Center for Research Libraries. The LOCKSS Program is closely engaged in support of the CLOCKSS Archive, carrying out content processing and ingest on its behalf, and managing its infrastructure in partnership with its global Governing Library partners.
The original CLOCKSS Archive TRAC certification was issued in 2014. Shortly after announcing the certification, we shared our experiences with the audit process and lessons learned in public blog posts. We also provided all non-confidential documentation submitted as part of the audit on a public wiki . We have updated the documentation for the recent audit and it remains available there.
The first audit yielded high marks; in 2014, the CLOCKSS Archive achieved an overall score matching the previous best and the first ever perfect score in the "Technologies, Technical Infrastructure, Security" (PDF) category. Through the recent re-audit, the CLOCKSS Archive managed to increase its overall score further still, achieving a perfect score for the "Organizational Infrastructure" (PDF) category – all while maintaining the same high scores in the two other categories.
The recertification of the CLOCKSS Archive continues to reflect favorably on the potential for certification of any LOCKSS-based repository under the TRAC criteria. We join the CLOCKSS Archive in thanking CRL for their diligence in performing the audit, and we look forward to sustaining the demonstrated high level of digital preservation assurance for all of our partners.